====== Memorial of Nathaniel White, Berkley County, SC, ca. 1733 ====== Summarizing a Chain of Title to a Grant to William Norman of 1697 Memorial is undated, but presumed in 1733 based on when it was entered. ===== Text ===== [//Margin//:]\\ **Nathl** ''[**Nathaniel**]'' **White**\\ of ''«blank space»'' Acres [//Main text//:]\\ South Carolina A Memorial of the Lands possessed by **Nathl White** exhibited unto his Majesty's auditors office, to be recorded pursuant to a law made by the General Assembly. A Tract of Land in Berkley County, on the north side of Ashley River, bounded southeast on **John Stevens** land south west on Ashley River, sold to him by **Moses Norman** the 13th day of October anno Domini 1707 ''[13 Oct 1707]'', being granted to **William Norman** by the Lords Proprietors Deputy Anno Domini 1697, paying a quit rent of one shilling per 100 acres per year {signed} **Nathl White** ===== Image ===== {{:transcriptions:land_records:memorials:st0090.s111001.memorial.vol_5.p_333.nathanielwhite.jpg?200|}} FIX-ME ==== Source ==== * South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Microfilm ST0090. Memorial books (Copy Series). Series S111001, Volume 5, Page 333, Item 1. {{tag>norman white ashley_river berkley sc stevens}}